Seeing comes before words. The child looks and recognizes before it can speak. But, there is also another sense in which seeing comes before words. It is seeing which establishes our place in the surrounding world. The relation between what we see and what we know is never settled. This is a book on art in various languages.
Seeing comes before words. The child looks and recognizes before it can speak. But, there is also another sense in which seeing comes before words. It...
In the dusty, ramshackle town of Suse lives A'ida. Her insurgent husband Xavier has been imprisoned. Resolute, sensuous and tender, A'ida's letters to the man she loves tell of daily events in the town, and of its motley collection of inhabitants whose lives flow through hers. But the town is under threat, and as a faceless power inexorably encroaches from outside, so the smallest details and acts of humanity assume for A'ida a life-affirming significance, acts of resistance against the forces that might otherwise extinguish them.
In the dusty, ramshackle town of Suse lives A'ida. Her insurgent husband Xavier has been imprisoned. Resolute, sensuous and tender, A'ida's letters to...
Exiled in London, the Hungarian artist Janos Lavin disappears one day, into thin air. His journal offers his friend John the only clues to where he has gone and why.
Exiled in London, the Hungarian artist Janos Lavin disappears one day, into thin air. His journal offers his friend John the only clues to where he ha...
In the course of a day, the ageing owner of an employment agency is propelled into a fantasy world through his romantic yearnings and inarticulate dreams, seeking an illusory freedom from the bonds of responsibility.
In the course of a day, the ageing owner of an employment agency is propelled into a fantasy world through his romantic yearnings and inarticulate dre...
Novelist, draughtsman, filmmaker, essayist and critic - John Berger is one of the major European intellectuals of our time. For 60 years he has been challenging the way we see the world and how we think about it, in books like 'Ways of Seeing', 'Permanent Red', 'To the Wedding' and 'A Painter of Our Time'. But although Berger has always written poetry, often smuggling poems inside books like 'The Seventh Man' and 'The White Bird', this is the first time his poetry has been collected in English.
Novelist, draughtsman, filmmaker, essayist and critic - John Berger is one of the major European intellectuals of our time. For 60 years he has been c...
Jedna z nejinspirativnějších a nejvlivnějších knih o umění a vizualitě, která je právem považována za zakladatelskou klasiku oboru vizuálních studií. Poprvé vyšla v roce 1972, ale dodnes neztratila nic ze své břitké pronikavosti, s níž bezprostředně a srozumitelně zpřístupňuje základní vědění o obrazech a dívání, do té doby zastřené sofistikovanými mystifikacemi profesionálních teoretiků a kritiků. Sedm esejů (z nichž tři jsou čistě obrazové) se zabývá takovými tématy, jako jsou moderní reprodukce starých mistrů, zobrazováním...
Jedna z nejinspirativnějších a nejvlivnějších knih o umění a vizualitě, která je právem považována za zakladatelskou klasiku oboru vizuá...