In this delightful series of Farmyard Tales stories, Poppy and Sam discover the newly restored Apple Tree Station and its steam train. These short stories have been written, with the help of a language expert, for children who are just beginning to read. With encouragement from an adult, beginner readers will be able to achieve the pleasure and satisfaction of reading a whole book for themselves.
In this delightful series of Farmyard Tales stories, Poppy and Sam discover the newly restored Apple Tree Station and its steam train. These short sto...
-- Usborne Farmyard Tales Mini books are child-sized and perfect for beginning readers -- The soft, plush toys with key rings have been safety tested and are fun to collect
-- Usborne Farmyard Tales Mini books are child-sized and perfect for beginning readers -- The soft, plush toys with key rings have been safety tested ...
-- Each page has two reading levels, one for beginners and one for more advanced readers-- Beginners can use the first reading level to achieve the satisfaction of reading the whole book by themselves-- Stephen Cartwright's illustrations give clues to the words and their meanings
-- Each page has two reading levels, one for beginners and one for more advanced readers-- Beginners can use the first reading level to achieve the sa...
Charming picture book of six classic fairy tales (Cinderella, The Story of Rumpelstiltskin, Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty, Goldilocks and the Three Bears & Three Little Pigs). Dual-level text, on each page a simple line for beginner readers and a more complex one which can be read aloud by an adult or reading child. Age 4+.
Charming picture book of six classic fairy tales (Cinderella, The Story of Rumpelstiltskin, Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty, Goldilocks and th...