A systematic guide to the Christian faith, taking a broad sweep from the big bang through the Old Testament to the New and beyond into the history of the faith and modern theological thinking. The hard questions posed by the Church's history are not ducked and the challenges of the enlightenment and modern science are given full weight. The book explores contemporary strands of Christian thinking and relates them sensitively and intelligently to world faith and non-faith viewpoints. It is a book that many thinking Christians and those thinking about Christianity will find invaluable in its...
A systematic guide to the Christian faith, taking a broad sweep from the big bang through the Old Testament to the New and beyond into the history of ...
Richard Dawkins recently claimed that 'no theologian has ever produced a satisfactory response to his arguments'. Well-known broadcaster and author Keith Ward is one of Britain's foremost philosopher- theologians. This is his response. Ward welcomes all comers into philosophy's world of clear definitions, sharp arguments, and diverse conclusions. But when Dawkins enters this world, his passion tends to get the better of him, and he descends into stereotyping, pastiche, and mockery. In this stimulating and thought-provoking philosophical challenge, Ward demonstrates not only how Dawkins'...
Richard Dawkins recently claimed that 'no theologian has ever produced a satisfactory response to his arguments'. Well-known broadcaster and author Ke...
If the New Atheists are to be believed, religious belief is not only dangerous and irrational, but just plain stupid. With increasingly intolerant polemic they are dismissing the views of religious people, and misconstruing them in the process. In this book, Keith Ward debunks the notion that rationality and intelligence are incompatible with belief in God, going through some of the main criticisms raised by the New Atheists (and their predecessors).
If the New Atheists are to be believed, religious belief is not only dangerous and irrational, but just plain stupid. With increasingly intolerant pol...
The teachings of Jesus Christ, as presented in the Bible, are familiar to millions, but do we really understand them? Keith Ward argues that, by scrutinising the Gospels through the lens of contemporary philosophy, we can discover a profound teaching that is not always apparent in traditional church teaching. Ward's analysis of what Jesus really said uncovers four central themes: that the Gospel is for everyone (but not necessarily everyone will be saved); that the Second Coming will lead to a future in the spiritual realm, not a physical world; that Jesus presents a moral ideal for life...
The teachings of Jesus Christ, as presented in the Bible, are familiar to millions, but do we really understand them? Keith Ward argues that, by scrut...
'The question of what it is to be a human person is the biggest intellectual question of our day.'Keith Ward has taught philosophy and theology in British universities for the past 40 years, and he is now weighing in on a major intellectual battle: whether human persons are purely materialistic - nothing but matter - or whether there is another, deeply valuable part of us, which transcends our bodies in nature and moral worth: the soul. For centuries philosophers have debated the question, but the battle has taken the limelight through the works of the New Atheists. In this book Professor...
'The question of what it is to be a human person is the biggest intellectual question of our day.'Keith Ward has taught philosophy and theology in Bri...
In Morality, Autonomy, and God, acclaimed philosopher-theologian Keith Ward argues a strong controversial thesis: that morality is not autonomous, and that theistic morality is deeply rational and of critical importance, especially in modern societies. Referring in detail to contemporary work in moral philosophy, especially where it impinges on religious beliefs, Ward defends the view that certain conceptions of morality depend, in important ways, upon the belief in God. But Ward is careful to argue that the idea of God defended is not necessarily or exclusively Christian. Only in the...
In Morality, Autonomy, and God, acclaimed philosopher-theologian Keith Ward argues a strong controversial thesis: that morality is not autonomo...
With over two billion adherents worldwide, Christianity is the world s largest religion. However, with a multitude of denominations, and a huge variety of opinions on many of its central tenets, it can be difficult to obtain a balanced overview of the faith. Renowned theologian and bestselling author Keith Ward draws from his vast array of experience and knowledge to provide a unique and authoritative introduction for the simply curious and for those seeking a deeper understanding of this complex faith. Examining differing Christian perspectives on fifteen major themes which range from...
With over two billion adherents worldwide, Christianity is the world s largest religion. However, with a multitude of denominations, and a huge variet...
In God: A Guide for the Perplexed, bestselling author Keith Ward has crafted a unique, perceptive, witty, and informative introduction to the mysteries of the divine. From the essential truths presented in ancient Greek mythology via the stories about Olympian gods, through the key ideas of major philosophers such as Nietzsche and Marx, to the surprise insights offered by such diverse elements of our experience as Romantic poetry and the film 'Alien', Ward draws on everything that has either directly or remotely influenced our knowledge of a higher force. His book therefore provides not...
In God: A Guide for the Perplexed, bestselling author Keith Ward has crafted a unique, perceptive, witty, and informative introduction to the mysterie...
Hands on Sports Therapy covers the whole range of subjects required for college courses in Sports Therapy. It is an introduction to the field of sports therapy covering the basic theory of fitness and exercise.
Hands on Sports Therapy covers the whole range of subjects required for college courses in Sports Therapy. It is an introduction to the field of sp...
'Language about God is something like the language of poetry - The poetic use of language is not to increase your information about the world. We know facts about the world without having poetry. The use of words in poetry is to evoke in us a certain attitude or way of looking at things or feeling about things...If this is the use of religious language, what sort of view of the world is it trying to convey? I think we might say it is trying to convey that the world is an expression of a reality beyond it...' Keith Ward unpacks the meaning of the word 'God' and explains why we need to get rid...
'Language about God is something like the language of poetry - The poetic use of language is not to increase your information about the world. We know...