This is the final instalment in the epic Paul Hoffman trilogy following Cale and the Sanctuary of the Redeemers. This climatic ending brings this narrative to a close, and finally the fate of the angel of death is revealed.
This is the final instalment in the epic Paul Hoffman trilogy following Cale and the Sanctuary of the Redeemers. This climatic ending brings this narr...
The Sanctuary of the Redeemers is a desolate place - a place where hope & joy aren't welcome. Most of its occupants have been brought here as young boys, against any will they might have had. One boy watches the latest arrivals. He doesn't remember anything of his former life or know anything of his future. Meet the Angel of Death.
The Sanctuary of the Redeemers is a desolate place - a place where hope & joy aren't welcome. Most of its occupants have been brought here as young bo...
Now there are Five Meet Thomas Cale Returning to the Sanctuary of the Redeemers, Thomas Cale is told by the Lord Militant that the destruction of mankind is necessary; the only way to undo God's greatest mistake. Cale seemingly accepts his role in the ending of the world: fate has painted him as the "Left Hand of God", the "Angel of Death".
Now there are Five Meet Thomas Cale Returning to the Sanctuary of the Redeemers, Thomas Cale is told by the Lord Militant that the destruction of mank...