On a small island in a glacier-fed lake on Alaska's Kenai Peninsula, a marriage is unravelling. Gary, driven by thirty years of diverted plans, and Irene, haunted by a tragedy in her past, are trying to rebuild their life together. Following the outline of Gary's old dream, they're hauling logs out to Caribou Island in good weather and in terrible storms, in sickness and in health, to patch together the kind of cabin that drew them to Alaska in the first place. Across the water on the mainland, Irene and Gary's grown daughter, Rhoda is starting her own life. She fantasizes about the perfect...
On a small island in a glacier-fed lake on Alaska's Kenai Peninsula, a marriage is unravelling. Gary, driven by thirty years of diverted plans, and Ir...
Tells the story of building author's own sailing ship and of the disastrous voyage that ensues. With an adventure on the open ocean and a tale of one man's attempt to overcome fate and realise his dream, this is a unforgettable story of struggle and redemption by a writer of rare power.
Tells the story of building author's own sailing ship and of the disastrous voyage that ensues. With an adventure on the open ocean and a tale of one ...
Otec se synem odjíždějí na opuštěný ostrov u aljašského pobřeží, aby na čas unikli civilizaci i složité rodinné situaci. V poklidné zátoce je čeká dřevěný srub, v lesích pobíhá spousta lovné zvěře, moře se hemží rybami. Vyrovnat se s vnějším nepohodlím a přežít nástrahy počasí nebude až takový problém, mnohem větší nebezpečí se skrývá v hlavách obou osadníků. Samota na oba doléhá nesnesitelnou tíhou a pobyt na ostrově se brzy mění v bitvu o duševní zdraví a posléze i o holý život.
Otec se synem odjíždějí na opuštěný ostrov u aljašského pobřeží, aby na čas unikli civilizaci i složité rodinné situaci. V poklidné z...
Twenty-two-year-old Galen is a New Age believer on a warpath towards transcendence. He lives with his emotionally dependent mother in a secluded house, surviving on old family money that his Aunt Helen and cousin Jennifer are determined to get their hands on.
Twenty-two-year-old Galen is a New Age believer on a warpath towards transcendence. He lives with his emotionally dependent mother in a secluded house...
Set mostly in the wilds of Alaska, the stories featured in this book take on the shifting legend of a lost father. It features the story 'Ichthyology', where a young boy watches his father spiral from divorce to suicide.
Set mostly in the wilds of Alaska, the stories featured in this book take on the shifting legend of a lost father. It features the story 'Ichthyology'...
Three generations of one family - a grandfather, father and son - and a family friend set off on an annual trip to their hunting grounds: 640 remote acres along one side of a mountain. A wild and idyllic spot, miles from anywhere. But all is not as it should be. Upon arrival, they spot an intruder, a poacher, lurking by their cabin. Set over the course of one hot and claustrophobic weekend, 'Goat Mountain' is the story of a family struggling to contend with a terrible crime, its repercussions and the slow descent into hell.
Three generations of one family - a grandfather, father and son - and a family friend set off on an annual trip to their hunting grounds: 640 remote a...
Gary si konečně plní dávný sen: na ostrově v aljašském jezeře začne budovat srub a se svou ženou Irene se v něm chce natrvalo usadit. Když však Irene vidí, že manžel pracuje čistě instiktivně a bez jakéhokoliv plánu a že stavba nedrží příliš pohromadě, začne o celém podniku pochybovat. Jejich dcera Rhoda se je snaží od přestěhování na ostrov odradit, ale odhodlaného a nekomunikujícího otce zviklat nedokáže. Rodiče tedy opouštějí dům na pevnině a se skrovnými zásobami a lukem vyrážejí k neobydlenému ostrovu. David Vann ve své druhé...
Gary si konečně plní dávný sen: na ostrově v aljašském jezeře začne budovat srub a se svou ženou Irene se v něm chce natrvalo usadit. Kdy...
Aged nine, Caitlin spends almost every afternoon at the local aquarium while her mother works overtime at her construction job. Caitlin's whole world is her school, her mother, occasionally her mother's boyfriends, and the fish at the aquarium. She has no friends at school, apart from Shalini, and no other family.
Aged nine, Caitlin spends almost every afternoon at the local aquarium while her mother works overtime at her construction job. Caitlin's whole world ...