The Midwestern resort town of Pemkowet boasts a diverse population: eccentric locals, wealthy summer people, and tourists by the busload--not to mention fairies, sprites, vampires, naiads, ogres, and a whole host of eldritch folk, presided over by Hel, a reclusive Norse goddess. To Daisy Johanssen, fathered by an incubus and raised by a single mother, it's home. And as Hel's enforcer and the designated liaison to the Pemkowet Police Department, it's up to her to ensure relations between the mundane and eldritch communities run smoothly. But when a young man from a nearby college...
The Midwestern resort town of Pemkowet boasts a diverse population: eccentric locals, wealthy summer people, and tourists by the busload--not to menti...
Moirin has small magics, the ability to summon the twilight and conceal herself, the skill to coax plants to quicken - and she also has the bright lady's gift - the gift of desire.
Moirin has small magics, the ability to summon the twilight and conceal herself, the skill to coax plants to quicken - and she also has the bright lad...