In the beginning was the Word... and the Word was with God... and nothing that was made was made without the Word The human being is an expression of the ever-unfolding wisdom of the creative Logos, the Word. The whole of creation bears the imprint of the cosmic sounding. This book describes a way, through movement and gesture, to work with the creative, sounding principle that manifests in the Earth's enveloping life sphere. Today, the increasingly binding and hardening conditions of modern life now threatens the divine seed of life here on Earth, which has been fructified and...
In the beginning was the Word... and the Word was with God... and nothing that was made was made without the Word The human being is an ex...
Robert Powell--cofounder of the Sophia Foundation of North American in Nicasio, California--uncovers a secret stream of wisdom flowing through the heart of Christianity: the feminine principle known in Greek as "Sophia," or the being of Holy Wisdom herself. This sacred embodiment, named in the Old Testament as the first living being made by God, has comforted and guided seekers of truth in every age and in every human culture. Powell surveys the wonders and teachings associated with this unacknowledged treasure of Christianity's mystical past--a stream running from the Greek philosophers...
Robert Powell--cofounder of the Sophia Foundation of North American in Nicasio, California--uncovers a secret stream of wisdom flowing through the hea...