Dear Alec, Remember my engagement yesterday? The annual duty luncheon for the Reverend Mr Tait from which and whom I expected only boredom? I could hardly have been more wrong, Alec dear, and I am this minute packing to follow the Reverend home to his manse in Fife, there to attend a meeting of the Rural Womens' Institute. Hardly a house party at which one would usually leap, I grant you, but not only is the man himself a perfect darling - imagine Father Christmas shaved clean and draped in tweed - but his parish, it seems, heaves with more violent passions than a Buenos Aires bordello. A...
Dear Alec, Remember my engagement yesterday? The annual duty luncheon for the Reverend Mr Tait from which and whom I expected only boredom? I coul...
Danny Gilver is summoned to Dunfermline in the matter of a missing heiress. She had flounced off in a sulk over forbidden love. Suspecting elopement, Danny doesn't want to take the job of scouring guesthouses to find the little madam and her paramour. Before he can get out of it though, there's murder in the mix - or is it suicide?
Danny Gilver is summoned to Dunfermline in the matter of a missing heiress. She had flounced off in a sulk over forbidden love. Suspecting elopement, ...
Before she was a detective, Dandy Gilver spent one perfect summer with the Lipscotts of Pereford. So when two of the Lipscott sisters beg her to help the third, she can hardly refuse.
Before she was a detective, Dandy Gilver spent one perfect summer with the Lipscotts of Pereford. So when two of the Lipscott sisters beg her to help ...