We follow former rule-breaker Leonard McGill as he's buffeted between the overlords of New York's underbelly, desperate to turn straight, but unable to say no to a nicely paid job. When we're introduced, he's calling in old favours and greasing NYPD palms to uncover seemingly harmless information for a high-paying client.
We follow former rule-breaker Leonard McGill as he's buffeted between the overlords of New York's underbelly, desperate to turn straight, but unable t...
Alphonse Rinaldo needs help. The power behind the throne at City Hall has a problem even he can't solve. Ageing PI Leonid McGill is not the obvious choice. But when the phone rings one night it would seem the puppeteer of New York's underworld is having his strings well and truly pulled.
Alphonse Rinaldo needs help. The power behind the throne at City Hall has a problem even he can't solve. Ageing PI Leonid McGill is not the obvious ch...
When, Zella Grisham was arrested for illegal possession of a firearm, assault with a deadly weapon, attempted murder and grand theft she was sentenced to 25 years in prison. She refused to give up her accomplices in a heist from Rutgers Assurance Corp. But Zella had played no part in that heist. PI Leonid McGill had planted the evidence.
When, Zella Grisham was arrested for illegal possession of a firearm, assault with a deadly weapon, attempted murder and grand theft she was sentenced...
Walter Mosley's Leonid McGill series is the best-kept secret in crime fiction: an explosive new McGill from Walter Mosley, creator of the internationally bestselling Easy Rawlins series.
Walter Mosley's Leonid McGill series is the best-kept secret in crime fiction: an explosive new McGill from Walter Mosley, creator of the internationa...
We thought we'd seen the last of Easy Rawlins at the end of 'Blonde Faith'. But it takes more than an oncoming car to stop LA's finest PI. As Easy wakes from his coma, the last thing he needs is an investigation. But a friend's son is in trouble and old habits die hard. So Easy wades into the squats, clubs and LSD dens of Sunset Boulevard, trying to find the missing boy, Evander. What he discovers will take him on a journey into the dark underbelly of 1960s culture, where Evander's disappearance is only one piece of a far larger puzzle.
We thought we'd seen the last of Easy Rawlins at the end of 'Blonde Faith'. But it takes more than an oncoming car to stop LA's finest PI. As Easy wak...
„Každý den, co jsem byl ve vězení, jsem buď nějaký zločin spáchal, nebo se stal jeho obětí. Jakmile přijdete do vězení, už tam patříte,“ říká o sobě Socrates Fortlow, který si v kriminálu odkroutil sedmadvacet let za vraždu a znásilnění. Osm let po propuštění teď žije v opuštěném dvoupokojovém domečku v zoufale chudém ghettu Los Angeles, kde si vaří na plotýnkovém vařiči, sbírá lahve a zápasí se svými démony. Má-li jako černoch žít na okraji bílého světa poctivým životem, musí zkrotit svůj obrovský vztek i sílu rukou, které...
„Každý den, co jsem byl ve vězení, jsem buď nějaký zločin spáchal, nebo se stal jeho obětí. Jakmile přijdete do vězení, už tam patř...