'Bonjour Tristesse' tells the story of Cecile, who leads a carefree life with her widowed father and his young mistresses until he decides to remarry - with devastating consequences. This volume also includes 'A Certain Smile', a novella depicting a love triangle between a Parisian student and a married couple."
'Bonjour Tristesse' tells the story of Cecile, who leads a carefree life with her widowed father and his young mistresses until he decides to remarry ...
'Bonjour Tristesse' tells the story of Cecile, who leads a carefree life with her widowed father and his young mistresses until he decides to remarry - with devastating consequences."
'Bonjour Tristesse' tells the story of Cecile, who leads a carefree life with her widowed father and his young mistresses until he decides to remarry ...