'Loyal Creatures' is the deeply moving story of war horse Daisy and her 16-year-old owner Will, sent from the Australian outback to the gruelling Middle Eastern campaign of the First World War. Their skill in finding water is vital to their regiment in the desert, but their devotion to each other is what keeps them alive in an overwhelmingly hostile environment. Is their unwavering loyalty enough to determine their destiny?
'Loyal Creatures' is the deeply moving story of war horse Daisy and her 16-year-old owner Will, sent from the Australian outback to the gruelling Midd...
Felix je Žid. A být Žid, když kolem zuří druhá světová válka, je nebezpečné. Felix měl nějakou dobu štěstí, schovával se v katolickém sirotčinci, pak ve sklepě. Jenže úkryt byl odhalen a Felix se ocitne ve vlaku jedoucím do koncentračního tábora. A přece znovu získá naději: z vlaku se jemu a šestileté...