Poválečné zkracování pracovní doby a nárůst objemu volného času patřilo k jevům, které mimořádně významně ovlivnily vývoj životního stylu v padesátých a šedesátých letech. Podle dobových ideologických představ měly volný čas vyplňovat primárně projevy společenské angažovanosti, sebevzdělání a tělesná aktivita, realita však vyhlížela odlišně a ve formách trávení volného času se zejména mladá generace občanů Československa především v šedesátých letech značně přibližovala svým vrstevníkům jinde v Evropě. Předkládaný...
Poválečné zkracování pracovní doby a nárůst objemu volného času patřilo k jevům, které mimořádně významně ovlivnily vývoj životní...
První knížka poezie Pavla Šuhájka (* 1982 v Jihlavě, žije v Brně) Ona jen korále perly a rybíz je komorní a intenzivní výpovědí zralého básníka, jakoby nesenou po smyslu motta k jedné básni: Milovat je umírat a obživnout a umírat znovu… (Octavio Paz) Sám autor v jednom dopise editorovi se vyjadřuje o svém psaní takto: Poezie je vertikála, napříč vysokým i nízkým, jediný vhodný prostředek dorozumívání, snaha říct věci tak, jak jsou, - nazývání věcí pravými jmény… Funkční zaklínadlo k pojetí světa. Útlý svazek je v pořadí...
První knížka poezie Pavla Šuhájka (* 1982 v Jihlavě, žije v Brně) Ona jen korále perly a rybíz je komorní a intenzivní výpovědí zraléh...
Puffin Audiobooks presents two volumes of beastly poetry by Roald Dahl, complete and unabridged and raucously read by Miriam Margolyes, Stephen Mangan, and Tamsin Greig. The audiobook contains original music. In Revolting Rhymes, you can think again if you thought you knew the stories of some of the most popular fairy tales. Here are six of the best known retold, with more than a twist or two, by the master of the comic and the blood-curdling. In Dirty Beasts we meet a ghastly menagerie of wonderfully comic animals that can only have been invented by Roald Dahl. There is the toad that jumps...
Puffin Audiobooks presents two volumes of beastly poetry by Roald Dahl, complete and unabridged and raucously read by Miriam Margolyes, Stephen Mangan...
The Witches have a motto: One child a week is fifty-two a year. Squish them and squiggle them and make them disappear. The Grand High Witch of All the World is the scariest of the lot, but one boy and the grandmother he adores have a plan to get rid of the witches for good.
The Witches have a motto: One child a week is fifty-two a year. Squish them and squiggle them and make them disappear. The Grand High Witch of All the...
The Enormous Crocodile is a greedy grumptious brute who loves to guzzle up little girls and boys. But the other animals have a scheme to get the better of this foul fiend, once and for all.
The Enormous Crocodile is a greedy grumptious brute who loves to guzzle up little girls and boys. But the other animals have a scheme to get the bette...
Puffin Audiobooks presents Roald Dahl's Matilda, read by Kate Winslet. This audiobook features original music and sound design by Pinewood film studios. Matilda Wormwood is an extraordinary genius with really stupid parents. Miss Trunchbull is her terrifying headmistress who thinks all her pupils are rotten little stinkers. But Matilda will show these horrible grown-ups that even though she's only small, she's got some very powerful tricks up her sleeve . . . Kate Winslet's award-winning and varied career has included standout roles in Titanic, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Finding...
Puffin Audiobooks presents Roald Dahl's Matilda, read by Kate Winslet. This audiobook features original music and sound design by Pinewood film studio...
Mr Fox steals food from the horrible farmers Boggis, Bunce and Bean - one fat, one short, one lean. These three crooks concoct a plan to dig Mr Fox out of his home, but they don't realise how truly fantastic Mr Fox is, or how far he'll go to save his family...
Mr Fox steals food from the horrible farmers Boggis, Bunce and Bean - one fat, one short, one lean. These three crooks concoct a plan to dig Mr Fox ou...
Charlie Bucket desperately wants to eat more than cabbage soup every day. But even more than that, he longs to see Wonka's enormous chocolate factory! Now Mr Willy Wonka, the most wondrous inventor in the world, has hidden golden tickets inside his delicious creamy chocolate bars.
Charlie Bucket desperately wants to eat more than cabbage soup every day. But even more than that, he longs to see Wonka's enormous chocolate factory!...
The BFG is a nice and jumbly giant. In fact, he is the only big friendly giant in Giant Country. All the other giants are big bonecrunching brutes, and now the BFG and his friend Sophie must stop them guzzling up little human beans - with some help from Her Majester, the Queen.
The BFG is a nice and jumbly giant. In fact, he is the only big friendly giant in Giant Country. All the other giants are big bonecrunching brutes, an...