Nine-year-old Danny lives happily in a gypsy caravan with his father, but his world is turned upside down when he learns that his father poaches pheasants from the estate of the nasty, greedy Victor Hazell. One night his father doesn't return from a poaching run and Danny fears the worst. Danny sets off on a courageous journey to find his father and with a little help from the village soon finds himself masterminding the most incredible and exciting plot ever attempted against Victor Hazell.
Nine-year-old Danny lives happily in a gypsy caravan with his father, but his world is turned upside down when he learns that his father poaches pheas...
Kniha představuje soubor devíti povídek a volně navazuje na předchozí sbírku Příběhy nečekaných konců (Volvox Globator, 2005). Roald Dahl i tentokrát nabízí ucelený soubor, jehož charakteristickým rysem je mistrně vybudovaná zápletka s překvapivým rozuzlením. Pro všechny příběhy je typická přísně logická stavba děje, zvláštní napětí, bizarní imaginace a specifický černý humor.
Kniha představuje soubor devíti povídek a volně navazuje na předchozí sbírku Příběhy nečekaných konců (Volvox Globator, 2005). Roald Dahl...
Britský romanopisec, povídkář a scenárista, jeden z nejprodávanějších autorů světa, byl především mistrem černého humoru. I v povídce Claudův pes připravil pro čtenáře překvapivou zápletku a netušené, až mrazivě překvapivé rozuzlení. Jako ve většině Dahlových textů zde nejde o složité, umně vykonstruované absurdity, nýbrž o anekdotické příběhy, které odrážejí každodenní běžné situace, jež jsou pouze důsledně dovedeny k logickému vyvrcholení.
Britský romanopisec, povídkář a scenárista, jeden z nejprodávanějších autorů světa, byl především mistrem černého humoru. I v povídce...
Contains: The Umbrella Man; Dip in the Pool; The Butler; The Hitchhiker; Mr Botibol; My Lady Love, My Dove; The Way Up to Heaven; Parson's Pleasure; The Sound Machine; The Wish.
Contains: The Umbrella Man; Dip in the Pool; The Butler; The Hitchhiker; Mr Botibol; My Lady Love, My Dove; The Way Up to Heaven; Parson's Pleasure; T...
Vendettas and desperate quests, bitter memories and sordid fantasies thwarted - here are 18 reasons why Roald Dahl is the master of the short story.
Vendettas and desperate quests, bitter memories and sordid fantasies thwarted - here are 18 reasons why Roald Dahl is the master of the short story.
Roald Dahl was always full of fun and mischief and loved all kinds of jokes - the sillier the better Here is a marvellous collection of Roald Dahl's favourites, along with hilarious jokes from today's leading comedians and from children around the country.
Roald Dahl was always full of fun and mischief and loved all kinds of jokes - the sillier the better Here is a marvellous collection of Roald Dahl's ...
Matilda's parents have called her some terrible things. The truth is, she's a genius and they're the stupid ones. Find out how she gets the better of them and her spiteful headmistress, as well as discovering that she has a very special power.
Matilda's parents have called her some terrible things. The truth is, she's a genius and they're the stupid ones. Find out how she gets the better of ...
Little Billy's mum says he must never go out through the garden gate and explore the dark forest beyond. So, one day, that's exactgly what he does. There he meets the Minpins: miniature people who live int he hollow trees. They soon warn Little Billy of the fearsome, galloping Gruncher, who has grunched thousands of Minpins. And it will gobble up Little Billy too - uness he can find a way to defeat the hungry beast, once and for all... Listen to THE MINPINS (with THE MAGIC FINGER) and other Roald Dahl audiobooks read by some very famous voices, including Kate Winslet, David Walliams and...
Little Billy's mum says he must never go out through the garden gate and explore the dark forest beyond. So, one day, that's exactgly what he does. Th...
The funny, exciting and warm story of a special friendship between the BIG FRIENDLY GIANT and the little girl, Sophie. Luckily for Sophie, who has been snatched from her bed by the BFG, she discovers that the BFG is far more jumbly than his disgusting neighbours. They guzzle and swallow nice little children across the world.
The funny, exciting and warm story of a special friendship between the BIG FRIENDLY GIANT and the little girl, Sophie. Luckily for Sophie, who has bee...