Bilingvní, anglicko-české vydání světoznámého románu, který proslul jasnozřivou alegorií principů bolševické revoluce. Pozoruhodná bajka začíná vzpourou zvířat, která vyženou majitele farmy a začnou si vládnout sama. Zprvu ušlechtilé, idealistické myšlenky o rovnosti, svobodě a blahobytu záhy berou za své a jejich místo postupně zaujme propaganda, nesvoboda a totalitní diktatura. Farmu zvířat Orwell dopsal v roce 1944!
Bilingvní, anglicko-české vydání světoznámého románu, který proslul jasnozřivou alegorií principů bolševické revoluce. Pozoruhodná baj...
První souborně vydané deníkové dílo slavného prozaika a esejisty nám umožní nahlédnout přímo pod ruku tvůrce - George Orwell ve svých každodenních záznamech glosuje aktuální politickou situaci, růst zeleniny a snůšku slepic na své zahradě, ale v odbočkách rozvíjí též hlubší filozofické úvahy a analýzy. Kniha obsahuje deníkové zápisky od roku 1931, kdy se autor ještě účastnil poklidného česání chmele, až do roku 1940, když již zuřila druhá světová válka.
První souborně vydané deníkové dílo slavného prozaika a esejisty nám umožní nahlédnout přímo pod ruku tvůrce - George Orwell ve svých k...
Bilingvní vydání slavného románu, který vyšel již v roce 1949 a byl inspirován stalinistickým režimem. Vize totalitní společnosti, kde není místo pro lásku, vlastní názor ani pro víru ve vlastní smysly, varuje před jakoukoli diktaturou moci. Kniha vychází v novém překladu.
Bilingvní vydání slavného románu, který vyšel již v roce 1949 a byl inspirován stalinistickým režimem. Vize totalitní společnosti, kde ne...
Renowned urban artist Shepard Fairey's new look for Orwell's classic account of life on the streets To be poor and destitute in 1920s Paris and London was to experience life at its lowest ebb. George Orwell, penniless and with nowhere to go, found himself experiencing just this as he wandered the streets of both capitals in search of a job. By day, he tramped the streets, often passing time with 'screevers' or street artists, drunks and other hobos. At night, he stood in line for a bed in a 'spike' or doss house, where a cup of sugary tea, a hunk of stale bread and a blanket were the only...
Renowned urban artist Shepard Fairey's new look for Orwell's classic account of life on the streets To be poor and destitute in 1920s Paris and London...
'Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic Socialism as I understand it'. Thus wrote Orwell following his experiences as a militiaman in the Spanish Civil War, chronicled in Homage to Catalonia. Here he brings to bear all the force of his humanity, passion and clarity, describing with bitter intensity the bright hopes and cynical betrayals of that chaotic episode: the revolutionary euphoria of Barcelona, the courage of ordinary Spanish men and women he fought alongside, the terror and...
'Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic Social...
The articles collected in George Orwell's Essays illuminate the life and work of one of the most individual writers of this century - a man who elevated political writing to an art. This outstanding collection brings together Orwell's longer, major essays and a fine selection of shorter pieces that includes 'My Country Right or Left', 'Decline of the English Murder', 'Shooting an Elephant' and 'A Hanging'. With great originality and wit Orwell unfolds his views on subjects ranging from a revaluation of Charles Dickens to the nature of Socialism, from a comic yet profound discussion of naughty...
The articles collected in George Orwell's Essays illuminate the life and work of one of the most individual writers of this century - a man who elevat...
Intimidated by her father, the rector of Knype Hill, Dorothy performs her submissive roles of dutiful daughter and bullied housekeeper. Her thoughts are taken up with the costumes she is making for the church school play, by the hopelessness of preaching to the poor and by debts she cannot pay in 1930s Depression England. Suddenly her routine shatters and Dorothy finds herself down and out in London. She is wearing silk stockings, has money in her pocket and cannot remember her name. Orwell leads us through a landscape of unemployment, poverty and hunger, where Dorothy's faith is challenged...
Intimidated by her father, the rector of Knype Hill, Dorothy performs her submissive roles of dutiful daughter and bullied housekeeper. Her thoughts a...
A searing account of George Orwell's observations of working-class life in the bleak industrial heartlands of Yorkshire and Lancashire in the 1930s, The Road to Wigan Pier is a brilliant and bitter polemic that has lost none of its political impact over time. His graphically unforgettable descriptions of social injustice, cramped slum housing, dangerous mining conditions, squalor, hunger and growing unemployment are written with unblinking honesty, fury and great humanity. It crystallized the ideas that would be found in Orwell's later works and novels, and remains a powerful portrait of...
A searing account of George Orwell's observations of working-class life in the bleak industrial heartlands of Yorkshire and Lancashire in the 1930s, T...
George Orwell's paean to the end of an idyllic era in British history, Coming Up for Air is a poignant account of one man's attempt to recapture childhood innocence as war looms on the horizon. George Bowling, forty-five, mortgaged, married with children, is an insurance salesman with an expanding waistline, a new set of false teeth - and a desperate desire to escape his dreary life. He fears modern times - since, in 1939, the Second World War is imminent - foreseeing food queues, soldiers, secret police and tyranny. So he decides to escape to the world of his childhood, to the village he...
George Orwell's paean to the end of an idyllic era in British history, Coming Up for Air is a poignant account of one man's attempt to recapture child...