" In this] haunting new novel, the act of forgetting is as strange and interesting as the power of remembering." -"The New York Times Book Review" Penelope Lively is renowned for her signature combination of silken storytelling and nuanced human insights. In "Family Album," lively masterfully peels back one family's perfect facade to reveal the unsettling truths. All Alison ever wanted was to provide her six children with a blissful childhood. Its creation, however, became an obsession that involved Ingrid, the family au pair. As adults, Paul, Gina, Sandra, Katie, Roger, and...
" In this] haunting new novel, the act of forgetting is as strange and interesting as the power of remembering." -"The New York Times Book Review"...
Treasures of Time is the twelfth novel by Booker Prize winning author Penelope Lively, a spellbinding story of the dangers of digging up the dark secrets of the past. This edition features an introduction by Selina Hastings. Penguin Decades bring you the novels that helped shape modern Britain. When they were published, some were bestsellers, some were considered scandalous, and others were simply misunderstood. All represent their time and helped define their generation, while today each is considered a landmark work of storytelling. Penelope Lively's Treasures of Time was published in 1979,...
Treasures of Time is the twelfth novel by Booker Prize winning author Penelope Lively, a spellbinding story of the dangers of digging up the dark secr...
Claudia Hampton lies dying in hospital. There is Gordon, her adored brother; Jasper, the charming, untrustworthy lover and father of Lisa, her cool, conventional daughter; and Tom, her one great love, both found and lost in wartime Egypt. This novel weaves a mesh of memories, flashbacks and shifting voices, in a story of loss and desire.
Claudia Hampton lies dying in hospital. There is Gordon, her adored brother; Jasper, the charming, untrustworthy lover and father of Lisa, her cool, c...
An autobiography is about growing up in Egypt. It is also an investigation into childhood perception in which the author uses herself and her memories as an insight into how children see and know. It is a look at Egypt up to, and including, World War II from a small girl's point of view.
An autobiography is about growing up in Egypt. It is also an investigation into childhood perception in which the author uses herself and her memories...
Pauline is spending the summer at World's End, a cottage somewhere in the middle of England. This year the adjoining cottage is occupied by her daughter Teresa and baby grandson Luke; and, of course, Maurice, the man Teresa married. As the hot months unfold, Maurice grows ever more involved in the book he is writing.
Pauline is spending the summer at World's End, a cottage somewhere in the middle of England. This year the adjoining cottage is occupied by her daught...
A respected literary biographer, Mark is working on the life of Gilbert Strong - a writer about whom he thinks he knows everything. Happily married, and apparently dedicated to a life of letters, he nevertheless falls in love with Strong's granddaughter Carrie, an unsophisticated young woman more interested in bedding plants than books or passion.
A respected literary biographer, Mark is working on the life of Gilbert Strong - a writer about whom he thinks he knows everything. Happily married, a...
When... Charlotte is mugged and breaks her hip, her daughter Rose cannot accompany her employer Lord Peters to Manchester, which means his niece Marion has to go instead, which means she sends a text to her lover which is intercepted by his wife, which is ...just the beginning in the ensuing chain of life-altering events.
When... Charlotte is mugged and breaks her hip, her daughter Rose cannot accompany her employer Lord Peters to Manchester, which means his niece Mario...
Penelope Lively's Booker Prize winning classic, Moon Tiger is a haunting story of loss and desire, published here as a Penguin Essential for the first time. Claudia Hampton - beautiful, famous, independent, dying. But she remains defiant to the last, telling her nurses that she will write a 'history of the world . . . and in the process, my own'. And it is her story from a childhood just after the First World War through the Second and beyond. But Claudia's life is entwined with others and she must allow those who knew her, loved her, the chance to speak, to put across their point of view....
Penelope Lively's Booker Prize winning classic, Moon Tiger is a haunting story of loss and desire, published here as a Penguin Essential for the first...
Claudia je silná a nezávislá žena. Dětství strávila v předválečné Británii, působila jako válečná zpravodajka v Káhiře a vydobyla si místo v čistě mužské disciplíně — historii. Roky ubíhaly a její život se postupně prolnul s osudy dalších lidí. Nalezla i ztratila pravou lásku, porodila dceru, kterou nedokázala milovat, měla milence, kterému se nedalo věřit, a bratra, jehož zbožňovala. Teď leží na nemocničním lůžku a v duchu sepisuje „historii světa a zároveň s ní i tu svou“. Je nemilosrdnou kritičkou všeho a všech, ale jako...
Claudia je silná a nezávislá žena. Dětství strávila v předválečné Británii, působila jako válečná zpravodajka v Káhiře a vydobyla si...
Penelope Lively je nejen oceňovaná spisovatelka, ale také náruživá zahradnice. V knize Život v zahradě se obě její vášně propojují: vzpomíná na život strávený v zahradách, ať už během svého dětství v Káhiře, na babiččině zahrádce, nebo na svých vlastních zahradách v Oxfordshiru a Londýně. A zároveň si vybavuje všechny záhony, na které narazila při svém bloumání světovou literaturou. Život v zahradě je okouzlující kniha, ze které téměř cítíte vůni starého papíru a mokré hlíny. Na stránkách se střídají příběhy spisovatelů a...
Penelope Lively je nejen oceňovaná spisovatelka, ale také náruživá zahradnice. V knize Život v zahradě se obě její vášně propojují: vzpo...