When Andi married Ethan she not only got the man she loves but also a ready-made family in his two daughters, Emily and Sophia. Unable to have a child of her own, Andi saw this as a precious gift - her chance to be a mother. If only it were that simple.
When Andi married Ethan she not only got the man she loves but also a ready-made family in his two daughters, Emily and Sophia. Unable to have a child...
Maggie and Sylvie are perfect strangers: two very different women, living very different lives on opposite coasts. But they share more in common than they could ever imagine. Both women think their lives are seamlessly secure, but they couldn't be more wrong...
Maggie and Sylvie are perfect strangers: two very different women, living very different lives on opposite coasts. But they share more in common than ...
When Gabby first met Elliott she knew he was the man for her. In twenty years of marriage she has never doubted her love for him - even when he refused to give her the one thing she still wants most of all. But now their two daughters are growing up Gabby feels that time and her youth are slipping away. For the first time in her life she is restless. And then she meets Matt. Intoxicated by the way this young, handsome and successful man makes her feel, Gabby is momentarily blind to what she stands to lose on this dangerous path. And in one reckless moment she destroys all that she holds...
When Gabby first met Elliott she knew he was the man for her. In twenty years of marriage she has never doubted her love for him - even when he refuse...
Úspěšná spisovatelka pro New York Times, autorka bestsellerů Splněný sen (1999) a Domek na pláži (2009), Jane Green přichází se svým zatím nejsilnějším a nejemocionálnějším románem: s příběhem o ženě, která se přivdá do již existující rodiny, a o pravém významu slova mateřství. Andi dlouho hledala dokonalého muže a ve třiceti sedmi ho konečně našla. Rozvedeného Ethana, milujícího otce dvou dcer, Emily a Sophie, a ještě oddanějšího manžela. Andi se už od mládí těšila, až se stane matkou, a tak přijme obě dívky za vlastní. Emily...
Úspěšná spisovatelka pro New York Times, autorka bestsellerů Splněný sen (1999) a Domek na pláži (2009), Jane Green přichází se svým zat...