Spurred on by admiration for his novelist half-brother and irritation at the biography written about him by Mr Goodman, the narrator, V, sets out to record Sebastian Knight's life as he sees it. Sebastian's persona, however, remains elusive.
Spurred on by admiration for his novelist half-brother and irritation at the biography written about him by Mr Goodman, the narrator, V, sets out to r...
Albinus - rich, married middle-aged and respectable - is an art critic and aspiring filmmaker who lusts after the coquettish young cinema usherette Margot. Gradually he seduces her and convinces himself he is irresistible to her, but Margot has other plans.
Albinus - rich, married middle-aged and respectable - is an art critic and aspiring filmmaker who lusts after the coquettish young cinema usherette Ma...
The dark corners of the soul are laid bare, when, in order to justify his erotic obessesion with a pre-pubescent young girl, a middle-aged jeweller marries her ailing, widowed mother whose death leaves him sole guardian of the shyly innocent charmer.
The dark corners of the soul are laid bare, when, in order to justify his erotic obessesion with a pre-pubescent young girl, a middle-aged jeweller ma...
Morn, a masked king, rules over a realm to which he has restored order after a violent revolution. Secretly in love with Midia, the wife of a revolutionary, Morn finds himself facing renewed bloodshed and disaster when Midia's husband returns, provoking a duel and the return of chaos that Morn has fought so hard to prevent.
Morn, a masked king, rules over a realm to which he has restored order after a violent revolution. Secretly in love with Midia, the wife of a revoluti...
A novel constructed around the last great poem of a fictional American poet, John Shade, and an account of his death. The poem appears in full and the narrative develops through the lengthy, and increasingly eccentric, notes by his posthumous editor.
A novel constructed around the last great poem of a fictional American poet, John Shade, and an account of his death. The poem appears in full and the...
An autobiographical volume covering Nabokov's first 40 years up to his departure from Europe for America at the outset of World War II, telling of his emergence as a writer, his early loves and his marriage, his passion for butterflies and his lost homeland.
An autobiographical volume covering Nabokov's first 40 years up to his departure from Europe for America at the outset of World War II, telling of his...
Sborník příspěvků ze stejnojmenného mezinárodního kolokvia, konaného 25.-27. 4. 2012 v budově Archivu hl. města Prahy. Soubor studií v německém a anglickém jazyce, které zkoumají problematiku regionů v rámci zemí Koruny české i s přihlédnutím k evropskému kontextu. Autoři zkoumají problematiku jejich formování, vytváření regionálních identit i otázku jejich sebeprezentace a sebereflexe, a to jak v písemných, tak obrazových pramenech. Do mezinárodně pojatého svazku přispělo celkem 23 autorů, z toho 12 z českých zemí, 7 z Německa, 4 z Polska,...
Sborník příspěvků ze stejnojmenného mezinárodního kolokvia, konaného 25.-27. 4. 2012 v budově Archivu hl. města Prahy. Soubor studií v ně...
Praktická publikace věnovaná problematice chovu všech plemenných typů honičů, jejich výchově, přípravě a výcviku na pracovní využití chovateli a myslivci. Autor byl jedním ze zakladatelů chovu slovenského kopova. V druhém, aktualizovaném vydání s 85 barevnými ilustracemi najde čtenář mnoho informací o vývoji této skupiny psů, jejich vlastnostech, chovu, výstavách i zkouškách.
Praktická publikace věnovaná problematice chovu všech plemenných typů honičů, jejich výchově, přípravě a výcviku na pracovní využití ...