"On the Road" chronicles Jack Kerouac's years traveling the North American continent with his friend Neal Cassady, "a sideburned hero of the snowy West." As "Sal Paradise" and "Dean Moriarty," the two roam the country in a quest for self-knowledge and experience. Kerouac's love of America, his compassion for humanity, and his sense of language as jazz combine to make "On the Road" an inspirational work of lasting importance. Kerouac s classic novel of freedom and longing defined what it meant to be Beat and has inspired every generation since its initial publication more than fifty years...
"On the Road" chronicles Jack Kerouac's years traveling the North American continent with his friend Neal Cassady, "a sideburned hero of the snowy Wes...
Follows two young men engaged in a passionate search for dharma or truth. Their major adventure is the pursuit of the Zen way, which takes them climbing into the high sierras to seek the lesson of solitude.
Follows two young men engaged in a passionate search for dharma or truth. Their major adventure is the pursuit of the Zen way, which takes them climbi...
Maggie Cassidy tells the story of Jean and Maggie, a couple of girls in love with the idea of being in love, looking ahead to marriage with hope and trepidation whilst trying to mature in a New England mill town in the 1950s.
Maggie Cassidy tells the story of Jean and Maggie, a couple of girls in love with the idea of being in love, looking ahead to marriage with hope and t...
Written in late 1942, the novel was inspired by Jack Kerouac's experiences of life at sea, after working the summer as a merchant marine. This volume also includes fragments of early stories and letters and commentary illuminating his development as a writer. Paperback reprint - originally published 2011.
Written in late 1942, the novel was inspired by Jack Kerouac's experiences of life at sea, after working the summer as a merchant marine. This volume ...
A semi-autobiographical tale of Kerouac's own trip to France, to trace his ancestors and explore his own understanding of the Buddhism that came to define his beliefs.
A semi-autobiographical tale of Kerouac's own trip to France, to trace his ancestors and explore his own understanding of the Buddhism that came to de...
In 1960 Jack Kerouac was near breaking point. Driven mad by constant press attention in the wake of the publication of On the Road, he needed to get away to solitude again or die, so he withdrew to a cabin in Big Sur on the Californian coast.
In 1960 Jack Kerouac was near breaking point. Driven mad by constant press attention in the wake of the publication of On the Road, he needed to get a...
Latem 1944 roku Nowym Jorkiem wstrząsa informacja o morderstwie – młody Lucien Carr śmiertelnie rani o dziesięć lat starszego Davida Kammerera. Pierwszymi, którzy dowiadują się o zbrodni, są: William Burroughs i Jack Kerouac.
"A hipopotamy żywcem się ugotowały" to opowieść o wydarzeniach poprzedzających fatalne zdarzenie, a jednocześnie wczesna próba talentu artystów, którzy przeszli do historii jako czołowi przedstawiciele Beat Generation. Burroughs i Kerouac bez pruderii portretują siebie i innych bohaterów amerykańskiej bohemy końca lat czterdziestych,...
Latem 1944 roku Nowym Jorkiem wstrząsa informacja o morderstwie – młody Lucien Carr śmiertelnie rani o dziesięć lat starszego Davida Kammerera....
Peter Martin, a college track star determined to idle away what he knows will be one of his last innocent summers in his tranquil New England home town. But with the war escalating in Europe and his two closest friends both plotting their escapes, he realizes how sheltered his upbringing has been.
Peter Martin, a college track star determined to idle away what he knows will be one of his last innocent summers in his tranquil New England home tow...