The Cult of the Victim Veteran explores the pool of American post-Vietnam War angst that rightists began plying in the 1980s. Ronald Reagan’s 1984 proclamation of a new "Morning in America" encoded the war as the moment of the nation’s fall from grace; it was the meme plagiarized by Donald Trump for his "Make America Great Again" slogan.
The Cult of the Victim Veteran explores the pool of American post-Vietnam War angst that rightists began plying in the 1980s. Ronald Reagan’s 1984 p...
The Cult of the Victim Veteran explores the pool of American post-Vietnam War angst that rightists began plying in the 1980s. Ronald Reagan’s 1984 proclamation of a new "Morning in America" encoded the war as the moment of the nation’s fall from grace; it was the meme plagiarized by Donald Trump for his "Make America Great Again" slogan.
The Cult of the Victim Veteran explores the pool of American post-Vietnam War angst that rightists began plying in the 1980s. Ronald Reagan’s 1984 p...