Quartic anharmonic oscillator with potential V(x)= x² + g²x⁴ was the first non-exactly-solvable problem tackled by the newly-written Schrödinger equation in 1926. Since that time thousands of articles have been published on the subject, mostly about the domain of small g² (weak coupling regime), although physics corresponds to g² ~ 1, and they were mostly about energies.This book is focused on studying eigenfunctions as a primary object for any g². Perturbation theory in g² for the logarithm of the wavefunction is matched to the true semiclassical expansion in powers of ℏ: it leads...
Quartic anharmonic oscillator with potential V(x)= x² + g²x⁴ was the first non-exactly-solvable problem tackled by the newly-written Schrödinger ...