Race does not exist in animation—it must instead be constructed and ascribed. Yet, over the past few years, there has been growing discourse on the intersection of these two subjects within both academic and popular circles. In Race and the Animated Bodyscape: Constructing and Ascribing a Racialized Asian Identity in "Avatar" and "Korra," author Francis M. Agnoli introduces and illustrates the concept of the animated bodyscape, looking specifically at the US television series Avatar: The Last Airbender and its sequel, The Legend of Korra. Rather than consider animated figures as unified...
Race does not exist in animation—it must instead be constructed and ascribed. Yet, over the past few years, there has been growing discourse on the ...
Race does not exist in animation - it must instead be constructed and ascribed. In Race and the Animated Bodyscape, Francis M. Agnoli introduces and illustrates the concept of the animated bodyscape, looking specifically at the US television series Avatar: The Last Airbender and its sequel, The Legend of Korra.
Race does not exist in animation - it must instead be constructed and ascribed. In Race and the Animated Bodyscape, Francis M. Agnoli introduces and i...