Number 6, a Combat Agent for the Kisaragi Secret Society, has been sent to a distant alien world on a reconaissance mission with his new android partner to plan an interstellar invasion of a fantasy world.
Number 6, a Combat Agent for the Kisaragi Secret Society, has been sent to a distant alien world on a reconaissance mission with his new android partn...
"Secret Society Kusaragi's on a mission to conquer the world, one lewd remark at a time. With a garbage reputation and a knack for trash talking, these guys are hardly the elite force needed for an invasion, but for something as insane as world domination? Maybe."--Provided by publisher.
"Secret Society Kusaragi's on a mission to conquer the world, one lewd remark at a time. With a garbage reputation and a knack for trash talking, thes...
Number 6, a Combat Agent for the Kisaragi Secret Society, has been sent to a distant alien world on a reconaissance mission with his new android partner to plan an interstellar invasion of a fantasy world.
Number 6, a Combat Agent for the Kisaragi Secret Society, has been sent to a distant alien world on a reconaissance mission with his new android partn...
"Serving as mercenaries for the Kingdom of Grace, Snow and friends find themselves at war with the Demon King's army. Six launches an all-out assault...but how will his modern weapons fare against such unorthodox foes?"--Provided by publisher.
"Serving as mercenaries for the Kingdom of Grace, Snow and friends find themselves at war with the Demon King's army. Six launches an all-out assault....