Returning to the slime-covered ruins of the city of R’lyeh and the tentacled deity who slumbers there would make anyone hungry. The terrifying trio behind the best-selling Necronomnomnom have summoned forth another gruesome grimoire: a throng of more than 50 nightmarish nibbles. Organised by taste (bitter, salty, savoury, sour, sweet), these ominous noshes will satisfy all your depraved cravings, from the A-tacolypse, Carni-S’mores and Hot Cthocolate to Maca-Runes, Necronomicorn and There Cannoli Be One. Mercilessly tested, these puntastic dishes pay horrifying homage to the Lovecraftian...
Returning to the slime-covered ruins of the city of R’lyeh and the tentacled deity who slumbers there would make anyone hungry. The terrifying trio ...