Based on Nickelodeon’s hit horror franchise Are You Afraid of the Dark?, an original horror graphic novel series with three all-new stories based on Hispanic urban legends and cultural lore In this all-new graphic novel series, a new Midnight Society gathers around the campfire to share urban legends, folklores, and all manner of spooky stories. These three terrifying tales feature haunted buses, monstrous creatures, and spine-chilling mysteries guaranteed to have you reaching for the light switch! In “The Tale of the Witch’s Wings,” a young boy with a habit of bullying meets his...
Based on Nickelodeon’s hit horror franchise Are You Afraid of the Dark?, an original horror graphic novel series with three all-new stories based on...
Based on Nickelodeon’s hit horror franchise Are You Afraid of the Dark?, an original horror graphic novel series with three all-new stories based on Hispanic urban legends and cultural lore In this all-new graphic novel series, a new Midnight Society gathers around the campfire to share urban legends, folklores, and all manner of spooky stories. These three terrifying tales feature haunted buses, monstrous creatures, and spine-chilling mysteries guaranteed to have you reaching for the light switch! In “The Tale of the Witch’s Wings,” a young boy with a habit of bullying meets his...
Based on Nickelodeon’s hit horror franchise Are You Afraid of the Dark?, an original horror graphic novel series with three all-new stories based on...