Antonio Carlos Zambron Maarten J. Verkerk Paulo Fernando Ribeiro
This book covers practical and philosophical aspects of Engineering, paying special attention to the social impacts of emerging technologies. Some fundamentals of philosophy of technology are introduced followed by social, economic, and environmental discussion and implications in different disciplines. Each chapter provides insights on the responsibilities involved in the design of engineering projects. The examples presented combine concepts about the impacts of Engineering in society at the same time that incorporates new technological models, yielding an innovative approach about the...
This book covers practical and philosophical aspects of Engineering, paying special attention to the social impacts of emerging technologies. Some fun...
This book offers a broad and detailed view about how traditional distribution systems are evolving smart/active systems. The reader will be able to share the view of a number of researchers directly involved in this field. For this sake, philosophical discussions are enriched by the presentation of theoretical and computational tools. A senior reader may incorporate some concepts not available during his/her graduation process, whereas new Engineers may have contact with some material that may be essential to his/her practice as professionals.
This book offers a broad and detailed view about how traditional distribution systems are evolving smart/active systems. The reader will be able to sh...