This series launch introduces Mia Macarooney, an eight-year-old who discovers a super-secret about herself. Now she must balance her regular everyday life and maintain her secret identity as she learns how to be the world's newest superhero.
This series launch introduces Mia Macarooney, an eight-year-old who discovers a super-secret about herself. Now she must balance her regular everyday ...
"When Mia first learned she had superpowers, there was one ability that always came rather naturally: freezing time and people! So, when she finally learns the secret to controlling it, she's excited to put her new skills to the test. But when she ends up accidentally freezing the entire town, will she find a way to make the clock start ticking again?"--
"When Mia first learned she had superpowers, there was one ability that always came rather naturally: freezing time and people! So, when she finally l...
"Mia's best friend, Eddie, has built an awesome robot that's supposed to be a mighty cleaning machine! And at first, everything runs smoothly as the robot helps around the house and at regular school! But things quickly go haywire when Mia accidentally makes the robot grow three times its normal size. Does Mia have what it takes to go up against a mighty, big robot?"--
"Mia's best friend, Eddie, has built an awesome robot that's supposed to be a mighty cleaning machine! And at first, everything runs smoothly as the r...