For those teenagers who have made up their minds to listen to no one, there's not much anyone can do for them. To those who have made up their minds to do nothing in their lives, there is not much anyone can do for you--until you make up your minds and admit to yourself you need help, then seek Jesus Christ for counsel. This book's intention is to guide young people toward Jesus Christ in daily devotions. You might be one who is looking for answers to your uncertain issues or some unfulfilled need. It might be that your day-to-day life is loaded with weights or brimming with worry as...
For those teenagers who have made up their minds to listen to no one, there's not much anyone can do for them. To those who have made up their mind...
Dr. John Thomas Wylie shows the reason for this book in the presentation and states it is obvious in John 20:31. John wrote to demonstrate that Jesus was the Christ, the guaranteed (promised) Messiah (for the Jews), and the son of God (for the Gentiles) and to lead adherents into an existence of celestial fellowship with him. The keyword is "trust" (believe). We discover this word ninety-eight times in this book.
The subject of John's Gospel is the God of Jesus Christ. More here than anyplace else, his awesome sonship is put forward. In this gospel, we are demonstrated that the babe...
Dr. John Thomas Wylie shows the reason for this book in the presentation and states it is obvious in John 20:31. John wrote to demonstrate that Jes...