The story begins when two sisters, Carly and Riley are busy playing in their tree house. The girls had just sat down to have a tea party when they noticed something odd on the window sill. "What in the world is that?" questioned Carly. "It is a purple egg with pink fuzz " replied Riley. The girls decided to take the strange looking egg inside and show it to their mother. "I have no idea what this is or what will hatch from it," said their mom. The two sisters begged their mother to keep the egg and promised to take excellent care of it. Each girl came up with their own unique routine to...
The story begins when two sisters, Carly and Riley are busy playing in their tree house. The girls had just sat down to have a tea party when they ...
In a tiny town called Tinsel, there lived a young girl named Doodle. One day while Doodle and her friends were walking through the woods in search of the perfect Christmas tree, they stumble upon an old rusty trailer. With a little love and help of her grandparents Mimi and Paw-Paw, Doodle and her friends bring Christmas Magic back to town.
In a tiny town called Tinsel, there lived a young girl named Doodle. One day while Doodle and her friends were walking through the woods in search of ...