Trials is a fast-paced science fiction thriller that explores the roots of human nature through the characters of Jonah and Evie Shepherd. Jonah and Evie watch their lives and marriage disintegrate as Jonah is wrongly arrested and found guilty of treason during a midnight military tribunal. Accompanying this devastating news is the reality that Evie will never see her husband again as he is exiled to a penal colony on Mars. Jonah, a retired and tormented soldier, realizes that things aren't as they seem when he lands on Mars to find two camps fighting for power, with the convicts...
Trials is a fast-paced science fiction thriller that explores the roots of human nature through the characters of Jonah and Evie Shepherd....
Brokk is the chosen one. His golden skin proves it, his supreme leader has given him the warships, and the dead have accepted his sacrifice. With an armada of battleships and forty million soldiers, Brokk will be chancellor of the Tassian system by nightfall.
Even the best of plans can come unraveled, and for Brokk, the desperate moves of a vagrant named Casika risks destroying everything he set in motion.
The battle for Tassi begins with an artillery barrage so vicious the sky itself is darkened. But in war, there is rarely a clear winner.
Brokk is the chosen one. His golden skin proves it, his supreme leader has given him the warships, and the dead have accepted his sacrifice. With a...