A 10-year old boy with enormous powers joins an Air Force Couple to fly highly advanced fighter jets. His mission: protect Shawn Crawford, advanced fighter Pilot, at all costs.This is a book containing historical fact and characters. The movement through an unusual cloud with a pale blue embedded light facilitates adventures for finding and saving the Red Baron of World War I and other lost time travelers. This is a book of adventure, quick wit, aerial battles, and a celebration of what can be good in the world. I hope you will Enjoy the Moment
A 10-year old boy with enormous powers joins an Air Force Couple to fly highly advanced fighter jets. His mission: protect Shawn Crawford, advanced fi...
CW2 Shawn Craford flys through dimensional gateways at the bidding of an invisible presence known as The Entity. Flying a very advanced Fighter, the F-142A Tiger Shark, Crawford has fierce aerial battles with African Federation Fighters. This is also a story of saving important personnages such as President John F. Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln and others who lived and died in the 19th and 20th Centuries. The medium to accomplish this is through The Gateway. The Entity's human Agents are CW2 Crawford and CPT Doerfler, Shawn's Cousin. This is a short book that will surely entertain. Enjoy the...
CW2 Shawn Craford flys through dimensional gateways at the bidding of an invisible presence known as The Entity. Flying a very advanced Fighter, the F...