Paschal Beverly Randolph (1825-1875) was a doctor, Sex Magician, Occultist, Author, Lecturer, World Traveler, Rosicrucian Grand Master and a friend of President Abraham Lincoln that also socialized with European Nobility. He was also a Black man. Sometimes. Creole Fire is a verse novella that imagines the life and times of Paschal Beverly Randolph during his stay in New Orleans. The story begins in 1864 when Dr. Randolph steps off of a steamship in New Orleans and immediately seeks out the famous Voodoo priestess, Marie LaVeau for a reading. Instead, he becomes acquainted with her equally...
Paschal Beverly Randolph (1825-1875) was a doctor, Sex Magician, Occultist, Author, Lecturer, World Traveler, Rosicrucian Grand Master and a friend of...