Jesus gave his followers two commands which we call the Great Commandment: Love God and Love Your Neighbor (Matthew 22:37-40). What if we literally loved our actual neighbors? Not just the people we might pick and choose, but the people living next door and across from us. Some might start by getting to know your neighbors' names. For others it might mean praying for their neighbor or serving them. This isn't an evangelism strategies. In fact, we don't love our neighbors to win them to Christ. We love them because we are Christians. Think of The Neighboring Life more as a spiritual discipline...
Jesus gave his followers two commands which we call the Great Commandment: Love God and Love Your Neighbor (Matthew 22:37-40). What if we literally lo...
Becoming the Neighboring Church Companion Study and Launch Guide is two books in one. The Companion Study offers church leaders the opportunity to fully digest the content of The Neighboring Church book by Rick Rusaw and Brian Mavis by providing discussion questions for each section of the book. The Companion Study should be used with The Neighboring Church DVD which is integrated into each week's session. This will prepare your church leaders including pastors, staff, elders, key influencers, and others to launch neighboring in your church. The Launch Guide is a full church-wide campaign...
Becoming the Neighboring Church Companion Study and Launch Guide is two books in one. The Companion Study offers church leaders the opportunity to ful...