The workplace of today is not as hospitable to the young professional woman as we are sometimes led to believe. Power, pay, and opportunity still favor men. In addition, generational differences between baby boomers, who hold many of the managerial positions, and the entry level millennials can result in misunderstandings and conflict. What young women need to know to successfully begin their careers and advance up the career ladder is not often taught in the classroom. Instead, it is handed down from one woman to another, usually in the form of mentoring. 100 Ways to Start Smart and Get...
The workplace of today is not as hospitable to the young professional woman as we are sometimes led to believe. Power, pay, and opportunity still favo...
100 ways to Stay Smart and Keep Your Career on Track, the second book in the Smart Women Series, is meant for the woman who is a rung or two up her career ladder. She may be ready to move out of her first job, to change her position, or her place of employment. Or she may be entering her first supervisory or management role. The content deals with the difficulties of middle management and the need to manage both up and down, to meet new challenges, and to juggle increased responsibilities. In addition, Stay Smart covers issues which relate to changes in life status such as family...
100 ways to Stay Smart and Keep Your Career on Track, the second book in the Smart Women Series, is meant for the woman who is a rung or two up her ca...