Jennifer Rebecca Uplifting Designs Bethany Pennypacker
You ever hear the phrase, about as successful as a soup sandwich? Well, that's me, I'm the soup sandwich, but instead of a soggy mess, you have a twenty-five-year-old with a Bachelor's degree in nothing useful who just quit her job at the local home improvement store where there were definitely no tortured billionaires looking to tie anyone up-and that's not a bad thing. I know, it's looking pretty sad right about now, but at least I don't still live with my parents... So, here I am, embarking on a new journey covering the Funerals and Obituaries section of the local paper, the San Diego...
You ever hear the phrase, about as successful as a soup sandwich? Well, that's me, I'm the soup sandwich, but instead of a soggy mess, you have a twen...