"Fantastique #1" is a collection of surreal science-fantasy stories and was originally published September 2006. It comprised three full colour comic stories entitled "Cosmic Astral Vamps," "Femme Feralis" and "World Before the Flood - The Battle of Sovyone" and an introduction by comics legend, David de Vries (The Phantom, Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight, The Thing From Another World). It was a limited edition and was signed and numbered by the artists, Steve Carter and Antoinette Rydyr a.k.a. S.C.A.R. This reprinting includes additional art, a comic story called, "Saurosapiens" and...
"Fantastique #1" is a collection of surreal science-fantasy stories and was originally published September 2006. It comprised three full colour com...
"Bestiary of Monstruum" is a book of pin-ups featuring a wild cornucopia of fantastic beasts, antediluvian freaks from other dimensions, bizarre evolutions and interplanetary monsters. For lovers of the weird and wonderful. Suitable for all ages. The perfect colouring book for adults and children that will spur the imagination.
"Bestiary of Monstruum" is a book of pin-ups featuring a wild cornucopia of fantastic beasts, antediluvian freaks from other dimensions, bizarre ev...
Phantastique debuted over thirty years ago, in 1985, and is the first "horror comic" aimed at Mature Readers created and published solely by Australians. The original intention behind Phantastique was to present to Australian mainstream readers a specific style of SF, Horror and Fantasy that had at that time not ever been seen on the national newsstands, magazine racks, etc.
Initially, the intention was not to shock and offend, but, for the first time in Australian publishing history, to make the more graphic style of horror more widely available to those readers who preferred their...
Phantastique debuted over thirty years ago, in 1985, and is the first "horror comic" aimed at Mature Readers created and published solely by Austra...