Mike Johnson, a recent United States Air Force recruit, is smuggled into Russia as a spy during the Cold War of the 1960s. His contact is Cathy Pushkin, a nineteen-year-old Russian girl, who is part of an underground group attempting to bring democracy to her communist country.
Together, their involvement in obtaining Russian top secret information for America is a fast-pace journey of espionage.
Mike Johnson, a recent United States Air Force recruit, is smuggled into Russia as a spy during the Cold War of the 1960s. His contact is Cathy Pus...
Mike Johnson, a recent United States Air Force recruit, is smuggled into Russia as a spy during the Cold War of the 1960s. His contact is Cathy Pushkin, a nineteen-year-old Russian girl, who is part of an underground group attempting to bring democracy to her communist country.
Together, their involvement in obtaining Russian top secret information for America is a fast-pace journey of espionage.
Mike Johnson, a recent United States Air Force recruit, is smuggled into Russia as a spy during the Cold War of the 1960s. His contact is Cathy Pus...