Being and becoming trans* is a complex and varied experience whether an individual is living openly as trans* or not. Few published studies in either the academic or popular press illuminate the challenges of living as a trans* person after medical and social transition are complete. Trans* Lives in the United States builds upon earlier research and contributes a much-needed theoretically grounded empirical study that examines the hurdles from transition to the end of life by employing an intersectional analytical frame. The analysis pays careful attention to the role of class...
Being and becoming trans* is a complex and varied experience whether an individual is living openly as trans* or not. Few published studies in eith...
Being and becoming trans* is a complex and varied experience whether an individual is living openly as trans* or not. Few published studies in either the academic or popular press illuminate the challenges of living as a trans* person after medical and social transition are complete. Trans* Lives in the United States builds upon earlier research and contributes a much-needed theoretically grounded empirical study that examines the hurdles from transition to the end of life by employing an intersectional analytical frame. The analysis pays careful attention to the role of class...
Being and becoming trans* is a complex and varied experience whether an individual is living openly as trans* or not. Few published studies in eith...