I have had many lives It may be I have lived a hundred times. Perhaps it is a thousand lifetimes. I know not the exact number and it matters little. It matters only that I grew and learned in those passages of time. I have lived through times of feasts and through many times of famine. I know that the feast times are easier but I am also only too aware that the famines will return, always. I have lived with both war and with peace. I know that the times of peace are easier to endure. I also know that the times of war resolve nothing and no nations will ever learn that war solves no argument...
I have had many lives It may be I have lived a hundred times. Perhaps it is a thousand lifetimes. I know not the exact number and it matters little. I...
Why write a book on 'Girls guide to Self defence'? Primarily because I'm a man and it makes me angry to constantly read about guys attacking girls, usually for sex, but often it is just a dominance issue. Evidently, man is the stronger more aggressive gender and women are perceived as the weaker gender. As a general rule those stereotypes are correct. It has often passed through my thought process that strength is not the main issue when it comes to self defence. It's a lack of knowledge and confidence that makes the female cower and become passive when they are attacked by a perceived...
Why write a book on 'Girls guide to Self defence'? Primarily because I'm a man and it makes me angry to constantly read about guys attacking girls, us...
Welcome to the spiritual path. You will have heard about spiritual healing and aromatherapy and past lives and the like. This book goes into explaining some details of dozens of facets of the 'psychic world'. Many you will have heard of and some will be a surprise to you. things like 'Spirit guides' are explained and what positive affect they had on my life. Yes, you do have your own guides and yes they are helping you in so may different ways, on a daily basis. you know, there are maybe a million books on the Amazon Site. Maybe your guides gave you a nudge to land on this particular page. It...
Welcome to the spiritual path. You will have heard about spiritual healing and aromatherapy and past lives and the like. This book goes into explainin...