Self-Surrender shows how a theology emerges out of the Rhineland-Flemish spirituality of Meister Eckhart, Johannes Tauler, Henry Suso, the Frankfurt Priest, and John Ruusbroec that shines life-giving light on the mystery of suffering. From the books and sermons of these pastors, Bjorkman developed Ten Ways to Suffer Well in Union with God: surrender, pray, yield, imitate, co-suffer, participate, love, accept, empathize, and unite, which flesh out the meaning and significance of suffering in new and edifying ways. "This book brings together a wealth of insights from history and theology,...
Self-Surrender shows how a theology emerges out of the Rhineland-Flemish spirituality of Meister Eckhart, Johannes Tauler, Henry Suso, the Frankfurt P...
Self-Surrender shows how a theology emerges out of the Rhineland-Flemish spirituality of Meister Eckhart, Johannes Tauler, Henry Suso, the Frankfurt Priest, and John Ruusbroec that shines life-giving light on the mystery of suffering. From the books and sermons of these pastors, Bjorkman developed Ten Ways to Suffer Well in Union with God: surrender, pray, yield, imitate, co-suffer, participate, love, accept, empathize, and unite, which flesh out the meaning and significance of suffering in new and edifying ways.
"This book brings together a wealth of insights from history...
Self-Surrender shows how a theology emerges out of the Rhineland-Flemish spirituality of Meister Eckhart, Johannes Tauler, Henry Suso, the Frankfur...
In the context of bulling, we tend to focus on the don'ts. Don't point. Don't stare. Don't use hurtful words. Being the eternal optimist that he is, Joe challenges us to redirect our energy. Instead of not acting like a bully, he calls us to imitate the compassion of a friend. Subtle yet powerful, the examples Joe gives of people going out of their way to treat him like they would anyone else call all of us to action. After hearing about the experiences that have shaped his life, we can't help but be inspired to reciprocate kindness and grace - the same kind that was extended to Joe - to...
In the context of bulling, we tend to focus on the don'ts. Don't point. Don't stare. Don't use hurtful words. Being the eternal optimist that he is, J...