If you have intriguing questions about God and life in general, and are facing a blank wall, this book could well clear that wall, and give you a view and grasp of the basic idea of life from our Originator. book excerpts, pg. 30: "It is like this world is a factory and all products must go through quality assurance section for testing and approval. All approved products will then be shipped out for distribution and all those which did not pass will be set aside for further disposition. You can't ship out rejected items, unless you want to reap the ire of costumers and lose your company's...
If you have intriguing questions about God and life in general, and are facing a blank wall, this book could well clear that wall, and give you a view...
A memoir-report, observations, analysis, and recommendations to the drug war that began in July 01, 2016, a day after Duterte acceded the presidency. The writer, himself a former drug abuser/pusher, share his thoughts on the still ongoing anti-illegal drugs campaign. Like a beast hunter, Duterte is hell-bent on finding his target. But his target is no small, ordinary beast - it has grown into a colossal, ruthless monster with multiple heads and a thousand limbs after decades of pervasiveness. And its poison is its charm. . .
A memoir-report, observations, analysis, and recommendations to the drug war that began in July 01, 2016, a day after Duterte acceded the presidency. ...