While Q Blackmon may seem like an ordinary and adorable eleven-month-old baby boy, lurking behind his golden smile is the mind of a sinister baby genius. Q and his sidekick puppy Super are set on putting an end to bedtime forever by capturing The Sandman. However, Q's three older brothers Jay, Mar-ee, and Kayden will do their best to keep the peace and bring the baby bandit to justice. Q's quest to escape the clutches of bedtime set in motion a series of catastrophic events that result in his greatest nightmares becoming a reality and his brothers gaining super powers. The Fairy Tale...
While Q Blackmon may seem like an ordinary and adorable eleven-month-old baby boy, lurking behind his golden smile is the mind of a sinister baby g...
While Q Blackmon may seem like an ordinary and adorable eleven-month-old baby boy, lurking behind his golden smile is the mind of a sinister baby genius. Q and his sidekick puppy Super are set on putting an end to bedtime forever by capturing The Sandman. However, Q's three older brothers Jay, Mar-ee, and Kayden will do their best to keep the peace and bring the baby bandit to justice. Q's quest to escape the clutches of bedtime set in motion a series of catastrophic events that result in his greatest nightmares becoming a reality and his brothers gaining super powers. The Fairy...
While Q Blackmon may seem like an ordinary and adorable eleven-month-old baby boy, lurking behind his golden smile is the mind of a sinister baby g...