Blurb for The Bonnie, Bonnie Bone This fourth installment of the Clarice Campion/Miss Letty series finds Clarice, her husband Otis, and their permanent guest, former Silent Screen star, Miss Letitia Lorraine, acting as exchange caretakers/B&B hosts in a Scottish castle which sits on an island in the tidal Firth of Lorn. Otis, drilling through the castle wall in search of a leak, discovers two skeletons. One dates from the 1970s; the other from the 1930s. The older skeleton bears a gruesome relic: a third leg growing from its abdomen. A vestigial twin. Did the aristocratic family try to hide...
Blurb for The Bonnie, Bonnie Bone This fourth installment of the Clarice Campion/Miss Letty series finds Clarice, her husband Otis, and their permanen...