This is the story of Matt Murat, a boy who lives in the town named Rata-tat-tat. Matt's best friends are his cat whom he calls Tit-For-Tat and Pat, a lovely velvet winged bat that lives in Matt's barn on their farm in Rata-tat-tat. The three go on a mission to rescue the poor bats and gnats of Splazat The village of Splazat is ruled by a sorcerer, a rat, and his frat On the very night that Nat and his frat are celebrating the Rat's Sabbat, Matt, Pat the bat and Tit-For-Tat arrive to settle the score with Nat and his frat of rats. Sheer terror and mayhem await the brave trio after their...
This is the story of Matt Murat, a boy who lives in the town named Rata-tat-tat. Matt's best friends are his cat whom he calls Tit-For-Tat and Pat,...
This is the story of Matt Murat, a boy who lives in the town named Rata-tat-tat. Matt's best friends are his cat whom he calls Tit-For-Tat and Pat, a lovely velvet winged bat that lives in Matt's barn on their farm in Rata-tat-tat. The three go on a mission to rescue the poor bats and gnats of Splazat The village of Splazat is ruled by a sorcerer, a rat, and his frat On the very night that Nat and his frat are celebrating the Rat's Sabbat, Matt, Pat the bat and Tit-For-Tat arrive to settle the score with Nat and his frat of rats. Sheer terror and mayhem await the brave trio after their...
This is the story of Matt Murat, a boy who lives in the town named Rata-tat-tat. Matt's best friends are his cat whom he calls Tit-For-Tat and Pat,...