Whilst preparing for his travel adventures into a world he had yet to explore, Christopher Yeoh was involved in a road traffic accident and experienced something few others would be "privileged" to witness. Eight days in a coma, more than a year in and out of hospital and a gradual re-introduction to the world of work.
A Different Perspective After Brain Injury: A Tilted Point of View is written entirely by the survivor, providing an unusually introspective and critical personal account of life following a serious blow to the head. It charts the initial insult, early...
Whilst preparing for his travel adventures into a world he had yet to explore, Christopher Yeoh was involved in a road traffic accident and experie...
Whilst preparing for his travel adventures into a world he had yet to explore, Christopher Yeoh was involved in a road traffic accident and experienced something few others would be "privileged" to witness. Eight days in a coma, more than a year in and out of hospital and a gradual re-introduction to the world of work.
A Different Perspective After Brain Injury: A Tilted Point of View is written entirely by the survivor, providing an unusually introspective and critical personal account of life following a serious blow to the head. It charts the initial insult, early...
Whilst preparing for his travel adventures into a world he had yet to explore, Christopher Yeoh was involved in a road traffic accident and experie...