The Witty Bullfrog Meets Wendy Egghead Series is a humorous fiction stories. It was created as a new gateway for young children, slow readers and reluctant readers and disabled children to learn how to read better. Since for some grades it's low. Reading is not an interesting subject by many children, which find it to be boring and lacks interest. Sadly to say, I knew a person who graduated high school and could not read. That was very sad to witness. It made me think how important it is for young children to begin at home before going into the school system. I wanted to help them. Thus came...
The Witty Bullfrog Meets Wendy Egghead Series is a humorous fiction stories. It was created as a new gateway for young children, slow readers and relu...
The Witty and Wendy Bullfrog Surprise What's in that sac on her back... The fiction story The series created to help slow, disabled and reluctant readers who struggle with what they read and how to make a connection in the reading process. We hope by using a new Fiction story gateway approach it will stimulate more interest in reading, instead of reading being boring. There is an interactive challenge fun quiz to see how much each child remembers and more. The humor in the stories creates less stressful environment as the children enjoy Witty's adventures. It is our goal to make better...
The Witty and Wendy Bullfrog Surprise What's in that sac on her back... The fiction story The series created to help slow, disabled and reluctant read...
-It was the day my sanity flew out the window.- The Adventures of Witty Bullfrog and Fly-Bye/What did Witty Bullfrog know that Fly-Bye missed? A short Fiction animal series. Volume 1. Witty the bullfrog lives in a pond behind this country farm house, where he befriends a mother and her son. The humor that continues with a fly, who thinks Witty Bullfrog is an easy mark to annoy. Worry, suspense builds as we see a test of instincts for survival.
-It was the day my sanity flew out the window.- The Adventures of Witty Bullfrog and Fly-Bye/What did Witty Bullfrog know that Fly-Bye missed? A short...