Do you love paying your bills? Only if you do so on time Timely bill payments establishes a good credit history, which is your gateway to an improved quality of life. It also saves you from the added expenses of fees and other charges that you might incur should you pay even a day late. Organize your expenses. Keep track of how you're spending your money. Use this tracker today
Do you love paying your bills? Only if you do so on time Timely bill payments establishes a good credit history, which is your gateway to an improved...
Use this journal to file your bills. No, you don't have to paste your bills in the pages to file them; rather, you write them down. Writing spurs the brain to action because it creates imprints that will seep into your subconscious. What this means is that you will be reminded of your due dates more effectively so there is a decreased possibility of missing payments.
Use this journal to file your bills. No, you don't have to paste your bills in the pages to file them; rather, you write them down. Writing spurs the ...
Organize your bills so you never miss a payment again This all-around financial record will keep you on top of all your financial obligations at all time. There is plenty of writing space for you to input your obligations and records of payment, too. To maximize its use, also note your spending habits and if there are areas that you should cut. Grab a copy now
Organize your bills so you never miss a payment again This all-around financial record will keep you on top of all your financial obligations at all ...
Sometimes you get paper bills, other times you get e-bills; so how do you organize them in one tracker? If your get paper bills, it is recommended that you slide them in between the pages for easy remembering. However, if you get bills emailed to you, then you take the information and record them in this journal for easy reference. Don't forget to bookmark the most recent pages, too
Sometimes you get paper bills, other times you get e-bills; so how do you organize them in one tracker? If your get paper bills, it is recommended tha...
How much are you earning monthly? How much are you spending each month? The answers to these questions will determine if you are overspending or underspending. The information will then shape the adjustments you must make on your monthly budget in order to have enough to pay all the bills and meet your family's needs, too. Use this journal to track your spending habits.
How much are you earning monthly? How much are you spending each month? The answers to these questions will determine if you are overspending or under...
Have enough savings each month by becoming mindful of your spending. Monitoring and writing about your spending habits changes your perception of how money is used. You learn to think twice before buying. You become conscious of your dwindling resources. Most importantly, you are reminded of the bills you have to pay and when you need to pay them. Use this journal today
Have enough savings each month by becoming mindful of your spending. Monitoring and writing about your spending habits changes your perception of how ...
This unique weekly planner will inspire you to write. Writing, like art, is a means of personal expression allowing for the release of tension, emotion and other feelings. It is also calming that is why it is a recommended activity for adults and children alike. So use this planner to record your thoughts and to act as a stress reliever. Grab a copy and begin writing today
This unique weekly planner will inspire you to write. Writing, like art, is a means of personal expression allowing for the release of tension, emotio...
If you love elephants, then you will be naturally drawn to this weekly planner. Here, write your goals, plans for the entire week. Next, plan about doable steps that you can take per day to complete your goals. Lastly, check your progress at the end of every week. You can tell if you're hitting your desired milestones based on your achievements for the week. Begin writing today
If you love elephants, then you will be naturally drawn to this weekly planner. Here, write your goals, plans for the entire week. Next, plan about do...
A woman needs all the help she needs as she puts on her many hats every day. The purpose, then, of this planner is to provide an opportunity for a woman to list down the many things she has to do. Writing helps condition your mind for the busy day ahead. It awakens your mindfulness so you can see opportunities and use them, when required. Start writing today
A woman needs all the help she needs as she puts on her many hats every day. The purpose, then, of this planner is to provide an opportunity for a wom...