Through sheer determination to succeed after almost dropping out of high school, finishing in 5 years and then failing to see college through, the car business unexpectedly found Chris Martinez in 2003. In his more than 13 years in the industry, he has assisted with the openings of 5 dealerships across the U.S. and helped turn a failing store into one of the Top 10 dealerships in the nation. Driving Traffic is a comprehensive roadmap that details what it takes to sell 1000+ cars per month---from the 4 critical strategies your sales team must master to the building blocks that took Charles...
Through sheer determination to succeed after almost dropping out of high school, finishing in 5 years and then failing to see college through, the car...
The Ultimate Guide to Selling More Cars than Ever The car sales industry is in a historically phenomenal position. As nationwide car sales numbers continue to climb, however, many car dealerships still struggle and eventually close. The dealerships that continue to dominate the market year after year, making the most of the potentially explosive growth, are the ones that truly understand the most effective approach to sales. In this guide to selling more cars than ever, Chris Martinez shares the strategies, approaches and mindsets that, as the manager of one of the most...
The Ultimate Guide to Selling More Cars than Ever The car sales industry is in a historically phenomenal position. As nationwide car sales ...