Akashic Books continues its groundbreaking series of original noir anthologies, launched in 2004 with Brooklyn Noir. Each story is set in a distinct neighborhood or location within the city of the book.
Brand-new stories by: Chaim Cigan, Martin Goffa, Irena Hejdova, Michaela Klevisova, Stěpan Kopřiva, Ondrej Neff, Marketa Pilatova, Jiri "Walker" Prochazka, Petra Soukupova, Petr Stančik, Michal Sykora, Petr Sabach, Kateřina Tučkova, and Milos Urban.
While Prague might today be one of the world's top tourist destinations, and a cosmopolitan capital of...
Akashic Books continues its groundbreaking series of original noir anthologies, launched in 2004 with Brooklyn Noir. Each story is set in a dis...