Marina Ivanovna Cvetaeva (1892-1941) - velikaja russkaja pojetessa, tvorchestvu kotoroj prisushhi intonacionno-ritmicheskaja jekspressivnost', paradoksal'naja metaforichnost'. V knigu voshli vospominanija pojetessy o K. Bal'monte, N. Goncharovoj, M. Voloshine, A. Belom i drugih ee sovremennikah.
Povest' posvjashhena pamjati aktrisy i chticy Sof'i Evgen'evny Gollidjej (1894-1934), s kotoroj Cvetaeva byla druzhna s konca 1918 po vesnu 1919 goda. Togda zhe ona posvjatila ej cikl stihotvorenij, napisala dlja nejo roli v p'esah Fortuna, Prikljuchenie, kamennyj Angel, Feniks.
Povest' posvjashhena pamjati aktrisy i chticy Sof'i Evgen'evny Gollidjej (1894-1934), s kotoroj Cvetaeva byla druzhna s konca 1918 po vesnu 1919 goda....
After Russia is considered to mark the high point in Tsvetaeva's output of shorter poems. She told Pasternak that all that mattered in the book was its anguish. Technical mastery and experimentation are underpinned by suicidal thoughts, a sense of exclusion from human love and companionship, and an increasing alienation from life itself.
After Russia is considered to mark the high point in Tsvetaeva's output of shorter poems. She told Pasternak that all that mattered in the book was it...