Rebirth is a story of how God reminds us to love one another. I always felt that people who love dogs are spiritually connected, and my dog training profession allowed me to meet many remarkable people. Although some people may be unaware of this connection, a selected few transcended to me a spiritual deliverance. Only as my story progressed, did I truly begin to understand what these gifted few represented; a God given spiritual love connection A special woman, Doll, was unknowingly selected to bring true meaning to all of the phenomenon that I experienced prior to my meeting...
Rebirth is a story of how God reminds us to love one another. I always felt that people who love dogs are spiritually connected, and my d...
Rebirth is a story of how God reminds us to love one another. I always felt that people who love dogs are spiritually connected, and my dog training profession allowed me to meet many remarkable people. Although some people may be unaware of this connection, a selected few transcended to me a spiritual deliverance. Only as my story progressed, did I truly begin to understand what these gifted few represented; a God given spiritual love connection A special woman, Doll, was unknowingly selected to bring true meaning to all of the phenomenon that I experienced prior to my meeting...
Rebirth is a story of how God reminds us to love one another. I always felt that people who love dogs are spiritually connected, and my d...